The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War Chinese take over of Hong Kong on 1st July 1997 peacefully was based on a properly signed Agreement between the Government of UK and People’s Republic of China and was registered with the United Nations in which the Chinese guaranteed a 50- year extension of its capitalist system. It , therefore, provided for the continuation of the existing British legal system till 2047. However, China’s recent attempt since 2019 at changing the same, in violation of the agreement , has led to a major protest movement in Hong Kong. The future of Hong Kong as a financial Centre and a free port is now in jeopardy. As flight of capital takes place from Hong Kong it’s position will deteriorate. China, being fully aware of it , has started developing Hainan island in South China Sea as an alternative to Hong Kong. However, with ...